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Assistant Dean Student Affairs

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Guidance Office

About the Office of the Assistant Dean for Student Affairs:

The Office of the Assistant Dean for Student Affairs is concerned with providing services to the student, through the Guidance and Counseling Office, through enlightening and guiding meetings, and the instructions he gives to the student and follow-up during his university trip.

The office is in charge of distributing the general academic schedule, distributing student schedules, followed by the early guidance process, registration, withdrawal and addition processes, preparation and follow-up of transcripts, follow-up of graduation sheets for all specializations in the college, studying student cases, and deciding on the cases of students who have been suspended, dismissed, warned, or wished to transfer. Whether from inside or outside the college, preparing general statistics related to students, courses and people and the related conclusions and observations, in addition to participating in the meetings of the Academic Schedule Committee, the Student Affairs Committee, the Guidance and Counseling Committee, the Committee for Deciding on the Amendment of Students’ Grades, and the Committee for Investigation of Cheating in the Exam. .etc.

The office performs other tasks, such as: preparing for the enlightenment meeting at the beginning of each semester, preparing for registration processes, providing advice and assistance to students to qualify them for compatibility with university life, which is a new step in their academic life and helping them to overcome and solve the obstacles they encounter during their studies, with interest in studies and reports. for students' academic cases.


The Office of the Assistant Dean for Student Affairs supervises the following: The Department of Guidance and Counselling and the Department of Field Training and Alumni.